Mayo Clinic on Healthy Aging: An Easy and Comprehensive Guide
to Keeping Your Body Young, Your Mind Sharp and Your Spirit Fulfilled. Hardcover – January 9, 2024
by Nathan
K. LeBrasseur Ph.D. (Author), Christina
Chen M.D. (Author)
According to the authors, “Healthy aging isn’t simply a roll
of the dice. How people age is a choice.”
Readers, YOU control how you age. Eating
a healthy diet, abstinence from alcohol, exercise, seat belts, controlling your
blood pressure, vaccines, stress management, getting your diagnostics on time, and having a strong social
network are all important elements of aging. And YOU control most of what you
do. Sure, it’s a lot to manage, but YOU are worth it.
Aging in the USA takes place within a fragmented and inefficient acute-care medical system. It means that YOU identify you are not feeling well, you see a healthcare provider, and you do or do not recover, depending upon the level of care and how much you are willing to self-advocate. This type of system is what I call “waiting for the oil light to come on.” We don’t treat our cars this way! So to circumvent negative outcomes, it is imperative that older adults remain committed to maintenance, just like you do with your car.
If you ask Santa for one book this year, this is the book. This is
your aging manual. AgeDoc