Why I Went Back to Yoga after 14 Years of Ballet



blogs about balletWhat is it that I love about yoga so much?

When I first started yoga, I was 19. I was living in Austin, TX for the summer and would go to the local gym with my sister in law for a class here and there.

A feeling was brought back that I hadn’t felt in so long!

My history as a ballet danceryoga before and after

When I was little, I loved being the center of attention, and for 14 years I was a ballet dancer.

I injured myself by tearing my ACL and fracturing my 5th metatarsal. When you get to be on that professional track and then you’re injured, that’s it. You can kiss your dance career goodbye!

Something I loved about ballet that I felt again with yoga was that constant flow and extension of every limb.

Growing up our teachers would tell us to imagine a continuous line at the end of our arms and legs and imagining that it would never stop.

It’s the continuous connection from transitioning one pose to another. Also the option of taking poses into their “full expression.”

Why I Went back to yoga

If you want to grow to LOVE something and be able to practice that form of exercise for years and years, yoga is the best option for ME.

There is also a pleasure in the improvement that you see when you practice yoga. Joints start opening up, muscles can stretch further, and all of a sudden your body is becoming lighter!

I was learning how to shift my weight without coming crashing down. You’re learning that next arm balance! You’re nailing inversions!

Don’t even ask me how amazing it felt to get into my first headstand! I’ll never forget!

Here’s me this past August getting into Flying Pigeon Pose!

Follow me on Instagram @bubbly_yogi for more videos and yoga poses.

A little help from the Yoga Pro Wheel

A tool that can really help you strengthen and open up your body a little quicker is the YOGA PRO WHEEL.

I use it often in my practice and it’s really helped take my flexibility and strength to the next level.

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There’s so much you can do with it! YOGA PRO WHEEL

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Different yoga styles and why I practice Ashtanga

For me, yoga is like a dance because of the smooth transitions.

Maybe I had it a little easier than others because of my experience in ballet but that doesn’t mean it’s not COMPLETELY worth it!

There are all kinds of styles in the yoga practice. I started in a gym and it didn’t really label the style.

Bikram Yoga

I got into Bikram yoga for a while, but it felt too robotic for the dance that I’m used to.

Bikram will help you drop the pounds though! You will sweat like you never have before.

Bikram is a series of 26 postures so it’s the same thing every time. It’s in 105 degree heat….imagine that for a second. You cannot do this practice if you have problems with being claustrophobic.

The heat definitely helps to open up your muscles though! AND drop that water weight! There has been a lot of controversy around that style and you can research that, but I won’t get into it here.

Vinyasa Yoga

After Bikram I found vinyasa! Vinyasa is a widely popular method. It stands for the synchronization of movement and breath. So it’s a very physical practice.

With an inhale you’re in updog, and an exhale you’re in downdog. So you can imagine that it would be pretty effective! This practice will get your heart rate up!

Something that I love about the vinyasa is that every class is going to be a little different. There isn’t really a series of poses per say.

There is one that is SO effective, and it’s called Surya Namaskar A, which has the “vinyasa” movement in it.

Surya Namaskar A you can do repeatedly and it’s like a moving meditation. If you look it up on youtube you can see that it’s pretty simple. I will give you a link of me practicing Surya Namaskar A.

The Vinyasa method brings back dancing for me. There aren’t any crazy rules in a vinyasa class. If I want to stretch my arms out into what used to be ballet fingers, I will!

If I want to take a side angle pose into bird of paradise I will! You just learn to break the poses down so that you can keep up with the class and have smooth transitions.

You don’t want to be that girl/guy that falls over onto someone elses mat. Talk about messing up the moving meditation. Don’t over exert yourself.

Ashtanga Yoga

Ashtanga Yoga I found afterwards and fell in love. It is a difficult practice. The practice is also very disciplined. Physically and spiritually.

It’s a series of poses and that’s usually not my thing, but it doesn’t feel as robotic as Bikram. I like a challenge and Ashtanga provides that for me.

If you are doing Ashtanga the way it’s supposed to be done, “mysore style” then that means you don’t move to the next pose in the series without approval from an extremely qualified teacher.

The practice really strengthens the relationship between the teacher and the student. It’s amazing. I love all the adjustments that you can get from the teachers.

Unfortunately, smaller towns just don’t have teachers that are that qualified. It’s hard for people to take time out of their lives and go to India for a length of time to become certified.

Since I first started yoga, there’s been a TON of teachers that do classes online and on youtube.

If you’ve already got a little bit of experience under your belt then it’s really fun to go onto youtube and watch a tutorial of that pose you saw on Pinterest!

The Yoga Community

Another thing I’d like to say about yoga is that they have such a beautiful community!

Most studios that I go to are full of interesting, passionate yogis from all different walks of life. We try and keep the competition out of the room. That also separates the practice from just any gym.

Even though I’ve shifted my exercise form back to yoga, I haven’t stopped believing in the product I drink, KETO OS.

A Little Help from Ketonesketo max results

I’ve mentioned ketones before, it’s a supplement that helps keep me lean and gives me energy. I also have a review about Keto on You Tube that you can watch here.

I’ve had epilepsy since I was 8 years old and at one point the doctors suggested I try a ketogenic diet.

Shortly thereafter, I found the medication I needed and didn’t have to live by as super strict diet.  But the words “ketones” didn’t stay out of my mind.

There are many flavors to choose from, and my favorite is the Rasberry Lemonade flavor. It’s super tasty and this is just a powder you mix with water and drink once per day – super easy!pruvit reviews

They come in both a charged and decaf version.

I do drink the charged because if I wanna go to a 90 minute yoga class, a little extra energy boost helps A LOT! And your body goes into “fat burning” mode quick!

Think of the combination of losing that water weight PLUS strengthening the core and toning muscles, all the while burning fat, AND it’s a moving meditation.

Here’s a picture of me before and after ketones….I has lost about 10 lbs in 3 weeks. I feel much better when I drink my ketones and it helps me to keep up a strong practice!

Visit the Pruvit website here

Read about my personal experience with Ketones here

keto os before and after photos

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Prüvit products are not intended to diagnose prevent treat or cure any disease. If you are under medical supervision for any allergy, disease, taking prescription medications or you are breastfeeding contact your medical provider before adding any new supplements to your daily regimen.


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Katie McCaskill

Katie McCaskill

Hi! My name is Katie McCaskill and I’m a licensed cosmetologist and esthetician. I graduated from Palm Beach Academy of Health and Beauty for both programs, and I love beauty! I have been practicing the art of skincare and makeup for over 10 years. I have worked for several makeup lines including MAC, Estee Lauder, Chanel, and Dior. I am very excited to be able to share my expertise with the world!