Vitality is your birthright – tenth annual International Day of Yoga

Yoga makes you, you!In my estimation, the Lord is good as he’ll give you a circumstance that will help you come full circle, realizing life is for you to use and it is not to use you. Any physical, financial, or emotional crisis will have you reassessing what life’s about anyway. We usually come away from these things with a different perspective and some new lifelong habits, allowing the light of life to shine through again.But, in my estimation, the Lord is good as he gave us yoga. Thank you, United Nations, for International Day of Yoga! Somewhere, someone noticed that yoga could restore the ultimate view of life’s purpose: to enjoy, not endure. Practice yoga and get, from day one, a little taste of the JOY that is yours. You’ll return to the room fighting for more of that feeling, physically addressing the toxins that have corrupted your body and mind. Bikram will tell you, “If you don’t feel good, that’s all you’ll think about.” Uh, true.With your body’s natural resources, yoga will restore and replenish all those essentials (remember those vital signs we need) and juice your cells up even more in such a nourishing way. You’ll sleep better and wonder why you are feeling better, and this is enough to keep you coming into the room. Soon, you’ll start to notice behaviors in yourself that aren’t working, and with this newfound courage, you begin to take them on and explore new ways of being.  You’ll meet all this with success. “Yoga makes you, YOU,” Bikram has said countless times. And remember, YOU are full of vitality. A better-performing body leads to a clearer and more aware mind and leads you to make better choices for yourself and others. Your life will have a sense of ease, free of the anxieties you used to have. You are more open with a better sense of presence with those around you.  You’ll feel connected to yourself and others by the barriers you’ve laid down. You’ll notice that not one “thing” in your life changed, yet it ALL changed. And bingo, that’s Vitality; that is YOUR definition of Vitality playing out. You are no longer going through the motions; you are living in that “peculiar” way that can only be YOU!I hope you can now see this phrase differently: “Vitality is your birthright!” I always loved this phrase Gary Vaynerchuk highlighted years ago, “Your chances of being born at all are, ready, one out of 433 trillion.” Can you believe it? Deep down, we all KNOW that life is not meant to be lived in a mediocre manner, yet that is the life we create when we surround ourselves with so much comfort. Yoga is the opportunity to have it all AND detach from identifying with it all. Instead, you’ll use these wonderful things of the modern 21st century to experience all of life in the ways our DNA was mapped from the beginning.Yoga gets misunderstood as something you need to be flexible to do, that you need to conquer a good posture to be worthy of a yoga practice, that you have to make time for, that you are too old to do, and so on. Wrong! Yoga is a means to an end – it’s the portal from where you are, which could be very far away from any truth about yourself, to tenderly take you to the you YOU genuinely are – all in the privacy of your yoga practice. Show up – that’s it – and try. YOUR life is waiting to be lived with the Vitality that is your birthright!Join us on June 21!

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