The Twelve Days of a Caregiver Christmas



On the First Day of Christmas on my list of things to do: I cooked dinner for my fa-mi-ly.

On the Second Day of Christmas on my list of things to do: I shopped for my Mom and cooked dinner for my fa-mi-ly.

On the Third Day of Christmas on my list of things to do: I called the doc, shopped for my Mom and cooked dinner for my fa-mi-ly.

On the Fourth Day of Christmas on my list of things to do, I picked up meds, called the doc, shopped for my Mom and cooked dinner for my fa-mi-ly.

On the Fifth Day of Christmas on my list of things to do, we went to E-merg! … picked up meds, called the doc, shopped for my Mom and cooked dinner for my fa-mi-ly.

On the Sixth Day of Christmas on my list of things to do, I did six loads of laundry, went to E-merg! … picked up meds, called the doc, shopped for my Mom and cooked dinner for my fa-mi-ly.

On the Seventh Day of Christmas on my list of things to do, I bought seven gifts for nurses, six loads of laundry, went to E-merg! … picked up meds, called the doc, shopped for my Mom and cooked dinner for my fa-mi-ly.

On the Eighth Day of Christmas on my list of things to do, I disinfected bathrooms, seven gifts for nurses, six loads of laundry, went to E-merg! … picked up meds, called the doc, shopped for my Mom and cooked dinner for my fa-mi-ly.

On the Ninth Day of Christmas on my list of things to do, I ordered the meds, disinfected bathrooms, seven gifts for nurses, six loads of laundry, went to E-merg! … picked up meds, called the doc, shopped for my Mom and cooked dinner for my fa-mi-ly.

On the Tenth Day of Christmas on my list of things to do, I calmed jangled nerves, ordered the meds, disinfected bathrooms, seven gifts for nurses, six loads of laundry, went to E-merg! … picked up meds, called the doc, shopped for my Mom and cooked dinner for my fa-mi-ly.

On the Eleventh Day of Christmas on my list of things to do, I wrapped all the presents, calmed jangled nerves, ordered the meds, disinfected bathrooms, seven gifts for nurses, six loads of laundry, went to E-merg! … picked up meds, called the doc, shopped for my Mom and cooked dinner for my fa-mi-ly.

On the Twelfth Day of Christmas on my list of things to do, I poured myself a drink, calmed jangled nerves, ordered the meds, disinfected bathrooms, seven gifts for nurses, six loads of laundry, went to E-merg! … picked up meds, called the doc, shopped for my Mom and cooked dinner for my fa-mi-ly.


From me and my family to you and all of your loved ones, I wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah this holiday season. May 2023 be a good year for all of us! xox