Startup selling Klotho peptides (apparently)



This seems completely wild to me, but this company claims to be selling Klotho peptides online:

Klotho is an extremely promising peptide for brain health and longevity in general. #303 – A breakthrough in Alzheimer’s disease: the promising potential of klotho for brain health, cognitive decline, and as a therapeutic tool for Alzheimer’s disease | Dena Dubal, M.D., Ph.D. – Peter Attia

That’s said, I have so very many questions about a company claiming to be selling this straight to consumers


Definitely. If it’s not on the FDA list of restricted peptides now, it likely will be getting their attention soon.

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Beyan Johnson has tested his serum Klotho so there may be a test to do somewhere if anyone wants to try this!

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jakexb, It’s entirely possible that I’ve misunderstood something, but I believe Bucky Labs has had Klotho peptide available for quite some time. However, Bucky Labs sells in in micrograms, not milligrams. I believe other peptide sellers have also had it available. But, feel free to correct me if I’m off-base on this.

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Interestingly the dose they suggest is 500mcg per day, which is orders of magnitude higher than what is suggested by the biohackers that have used the bucky lab source. I forget what the equivalent dose is to rats/monkeys, but the dose they recommend is definitely more in the ballpark of human equivalent. The other threads on klotho in this forum go into more detail on the skepticism around current biohackers likely homeopathic dosing (at the instruction of Steve Perry)

The discussion on dosing: New Attia podcast on Klotho – #57 by 59vw

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And unless I got my math wrong, the Celia source is significantly less expensive than Bucky Labs, even if the initial outlay is more.

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I have many things to say about this. First of all there have been companies selling klotho to consumers as a research peptide for years, so this isnt the first.
Second it does say it is prescription, not sure where you are going to get a doctor to prescribe something that is not even approved as a drug.
Oh and third, the dose they are using will likely kill you.

Correct, the correct dose is .5pg per day.
500mcg is literally a billion times higher