No, I take only blood pressure medications and muscle relaxants/pain killer because of my chronic deseases (ME/CFS,IBD). I am just starting Rapa 6mg/week in the hope it helps.
@DeStrider What side effects made you lower your dose? Are they gone or just better on the lower dose. It still is a 12 mg equivalent dose so not that low.
I ask partly because it is always difficult to tell which supplement is causing the effects.
The side effect that made me lower the dose was itchy hives. You can see the pic here. At 6 mg + GFJ, I had over 50 itchy hives all over my torso which appear after dosing and last several days.
At 5 mg + GFJ, I get 5-10 hives and at 4 mg + GFJ, I get 0-1. So, I’m sticking with 4 mg + GFJ. I believe this is my body developing an allergic reaction, because the first few times I dosed at high levels, I did not get hives. However, now it is very reproducible.
I do get hives when I overexpose myself to other things I am allergic to such as animal dander. So I’m pretty sure it’s allergic in nature.
Thank you very much for the information. What do you mean by high dose rapamycin? What dosage?
Could I enroll in your study?
Thanks. Laura
What do you mean by taking high dosage? What dosage of rapamycin you are taking. Thanks. Laura
This is the scale I use for weekly doses:
1-4 mg a week – low dose.
5-9 mg a week – average dose
10+ mg a week – high dose
I personally take 14 mg a week (4 mg + GFJ + EVOO) but have gone up to 21 mg a week at my highest.
@John_Hemming takes ultra-high doses very infrequently (60 mg+)
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My current (ultra?) high dose is 22mg plus GFJ. A rule of thumb multiplies that by 3.5 for bioavailability. (-> 77mg) I am currently waiting for my WBC to be reliably above 2G before taking my next dose. I do blood tests weekly so I will know this soon.
I have posted glucose charts and blood work from one of my doses.