Leah and Dylan birth story — Yoga Mammas

Hi Lainey, As you know, baby Dylan was born last Friday😊 sitting down to write my birth story and reflecting on how I was feeling this time last week is very surreal. As my ‘due date’ passed I grew more and more impatient. I had a sweep at 40 +1 and a show followed that night but didn’t bring on labour. My consultant offered to induce me at 41 weeks but I opted to push it out a couple of days and I was booked in for induction at 41+2. I had a bit of a fear about being induced that I had to really work to keep at bay as the days went on, all the while holding hope I would start to labour spontaneously in the mean time. Friday arrived and it was time for induction. I was examined that morning at 10am to determine the induction plan and the doctor felt my cervix wasn’t soft enough to break my waters so I had a gel applied. I was told to lie down for 1hr and then after 6hrs I would be examined again to determine next steps (if I hadn’t progressed into labour before then). So we set about to distract ourselves for a couple of hours but quite quickly I started to feel a crampy sensation in my back and lower belly. Within an hour or 2 I could feel what were definitely Contractions so I told the midwife and she agreed to examine me. My birth preferences were to have an early epidural. I have scoliosis so there was a potential that there may be some difficulty with insertion of the epidural so I had outlined that I wanted to be moved to the labour ward as early as possible to allow time for the anaesthetist to assess me and call the consultant if required.When I was examined she said I wasn’t in labour yet, that baby’s head was too high and my cervix had still some way to go. She advised me to take a shower and the shower would either intensify the Contractions or ease them as she said the pains were potentially just the gel irritating my uterus. And after the shower she would examine me again if needed.In the shower things definitely started to ramp up so I came out and asked for another examination. Unfortunately nothing had changed so I was told to hang tight longer and try to manage the pains. This was disheartening as the pains were getting stronger and stronger.At this point I had to focus. I got my tens machine on, put my earphones in with my gentle birth app playing and closed my eyes to shut out all external stimulus. I sat on a birthing ball and breathed through each contraction. I repeated the mantra ‘I can do anything for 1 minute’ and I visualised each contraction as a wave – watching for the peak and reassuring myself that once I hit the peak the sensation would start to ease.This continued for an hour or two until I felt like I was starting to struggle to manage, I wanted to be examined again but at the same time was apprehensive of disappointment if I wasn’t as far as I hoped.I said to my partner that we would wait 10 minutes before asking for an examination but in this time he felt a change in me and he went to get a midwife. I was examined and told I was in labour – Yay! They brought a wheelchair and rushed me to the labour ward. I was asked a couple of times if I was still really keen to have the epidural, to which I answered yes and the midwives gently let me know that potentially there wouldn’t be time. I was still holding hope as I didn’t know how dilated I was. Putting the pieces together of the speed of the wheelchair, the potential for no epidural and the hurried atmosphere in the labour room it was beginning to become apparent that baby was on the way very soon. I think the midwives were probably holding back laughter as my partner tried to create an optimal environment in the labour room (dimming the lights, spraying your Labour Mist, looking for where he could place tealights) as he also had no idea how close we were.They put me on a trace and I couldn’t stay lying down so I got up on all 4s over the bed and straight away felt an urge to push. This was when the penny dropped and I asked was I fully dilated and they said I was 8cm but the final 2 could be super quick in 2nd time mams. My waters broke at this point and I used the gas and air and went with the urge to push. With the encouragement of the amazing midwives and my partner by my side I pushed through the pain and at 16.09 baby boy arrived. I was in shock and awe and just couldn’t believe I was holding him my arms. He was born to the song ‘Everywhere’by Fleetwood Mac and we were ready to burst with love. His big brother was born to’ Go your own way’ and we couldn’t believe the coincidence 😊My birth was definitely not how I expected or planned for but it was absolutely perfect and every pain was so worth it.I would 100% recommend the Tens machine and hypnobirthing/gentle birth app to everyone, I would have been lost without these.It was incredible. Really perfect in every way, I could not have hoped for any better ❤️ I’m feeling good, we are adjusting to life as a family of four. Taking things really slowly and enjoying the baby bubble. Big brother Tommy is thrilled with Dylan and wants to give him lots of affection and kisses 💙Thanks Lainey for the circle you have created, I learned so much from the pregnancy yoga classes and the other mams. Wishing all the mamas the best of luck with thier new arrivals. It really is the most amazing feeling bringing your baby into the world, whatever way they decide to come❤️Leah x

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