Keto Reboot Excel Kit – What is it?
Pruvit’s Keto Reboot Excel kit was first released and available for a limited time in early December. The Keto Reboot Excel contains the standard Keto Reboot 60 Hour Fast plus all the supplements you need to PREBOOT, and OPTIMIZE your progress for 30 days.
The main reason to do the Keto Reboot is to reset your metabolism by reprogramming your genes to run on fat for fuel!
By conquering a 60 hour fast, you engage your body to use fat as an energy source while gradually shifting into Keto Adaptation.
THIS is what we’re all looking for right? To burn that fat off our love handles and middle sections!
Well, you have to sacrifice something to get those stubborn areas burning – and forgoing food for 60 hours utilizing the Keto Reboot kit has become a very popular way to get things moving!
Purchase Your Keto Reboot from Pruvit
Get on the List for the Next Reboot
Why do the Keto Reboot 60 Hour Fast?
If you answer YES to any of these questions, the Keto Reboot 60 Hour Fast is a great program to try!
- Do you need a jump start with FAT LOSS?
- Have you hit a plateau?
- Do you experience hunger and cravings?
- Are you addicted to sugar?
- Could you use some help with your next fast or cleanse?
What is the Keto Reboot 60 Hour Fast? (short video)
Preboot Before the Keto Reboot!
We love to coin phrases, and “getting your PREBOOT on” is not just a Pruver-ism, but a very wise decision!
Why? Quite simply: KETO ADAPTATION – getting your body used to exogenous ketones and being in a state of ketosis.
By getting started on Pruvit’s products before you jump headfirst into the 60 hour Keto Reboot, you’ll give your body a chance to slowly Keto adapt and complete some shorter intermittent fasting days leading up to the 60 hour fast.
This is why the Keto Reboot Excel kit was created – to help those just getting started to get ready for the reboot, to conquer the reboot, and to continue to optimize your hard-earned results!
If you’re used to eating a high carb/high sugar diet, you may have more unwanted detox side effects (headaches, etc) than you anticipated if you don’t “prime the pump” before completing the reboot.
This is an investment in your health, not a quick fix – there is no such thing when it comes to health. Without priming and optimizing – the only other place to go is back to bad habits. This is true for any long term health strategy.
What’s in the Keto Reboot Excel Package?
- 2x Hacked Magazines
- Digital Excel to Optimization Fud Guide ($67)
- Digital Excel to Optimization Muv Guide ($67
- Excel to Optimmization Hacks (Exclusive to this kit)
- 2x Virtual coaching tips per week via email (priceless)
- Laser Coaching Zooms with Dr. Ryan Lowery ($1,000)
Post 60 Hour Fast – OPTIMIZE
The Keto Reboot Excel program is a great way to complete the Keto Reboot 60 hour fast PLUS continue to optimize your results post reboot for an entire month, and it comes with coaching.
Having the proper guidance and nutritional supplements for fasting and cleansing your body makes it easier and more effective, plain and simple.
When I say “optimize” I don’t mean continue fasting with no food for 30 days! Let me explain…once you’ve prebooted and completed the 60 hour fast, you break your fast and begin to eat again.
However, the goal is to stay in a fat burning state of ketosis, and the supplements provided in the Keto Reboot Excel kit make it easy and enjoyable to do so.
Having a selection of Keto Kreme to make fat coffee, Keto Max for energy and fuel source to crush appetite, and Better Broth as a meal or snack will keep those ketone levels high and KEEP YOU IN KETOSIS.
Certified Keto Reboot Coach
Pruvit’s Keto Reboot 60 Hour Fast program was first released in Feb 2018 at the Epik convention.
This groundbreaking 60 hour fast has become one of the most popular ways to reset metabolisms, break bad habits, help with gut health, DNA repair, and get your body using its own FAT FOR FUEL!
I was certified to be a Keto Reboot Coach and completed the very first 60 hour fast! I’ve done it multiple times since then and helped many people through the process as well.
We have a private group on Facebook with over 72,000 people and give you guidance, support and education throughout the 60 hour fast. Encouragement and support is everything!
Read about my Keto Reboot 60 Hour Fast Here
Are You Ready for YOUR 60 Hour Fast?
When are Keto Reboots on Sale?
Pruvit hosts the Keto Reboot 60 hour fast each and every month, and kits are usually on sale the first week of each month, however both the Keto Reboot and Keto Reboot Excel are available now for a limited time (early).
Next group Reboot start date is January 6th 2019!
You can choose to purchase just the Keto Reboot 60 Hour Fast (standard kit), or you can choose the Keto Reboot Excel program.
If you’re new to ketones and ketosis, I highly recommend the Keto Reboot Excel kit, your post reboot body will thank you!
Ease into Keto adaption with Pruvit’s most popular products, conquer your Keto Reboot 60 hour fast, and have some product on hand to keep going for an entire month.
YOU’RE GOING TO SEE RESULTS!! In the way you feel, the way you look, your attitude towards food – simply #BETTER.
Purchase Your Keto Reboot from Pruvit
Get on the List for the Next Reboot
My Pruvit Journey – Please Read Before you Leave
Before you leave, please read my full review on Pruvit’s Ketones and Ketosis here.
I’ve been drinking ketones daily for 3 years and honestly can’t imagine life without them! I’m very passionate about this conversation and enjoy sharing it with others.
For me, drinking ketones daily gives me energy throughout the day without crashing, keeps me fueled and motivated to workout, lifts my mood, and keep my cravings under control. They help me feel like happier, more productive person!
When I first started, I lost 17 lbs my first few months, settled into a happy weight and I’ve kept it off for the most part. But I’m human, and like everyone else – sometimes I get off track!
This is where the Keto Reboot 60 hour fast is very helpful for me. It gives me that reset that I need to get back to burning that fat for fuel and eliminate belly bloat!
There’s no better time to get started towards a healthy goal, and I hope you’ll join me!
Visit Pruvit’s Website
This is my personal review. This content is not the opinion of Pruvit Ventures, Inc. Pruvit Ventures, Inc, is not responsible for any of the information, view, or opinions expressed on this page. Please visit their official site for details. You can find links on this page. I am an independent Pruvit Promoter.
Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Prüvit products are not intended to diagnose prevent treat or cure any disease. If you are under medical supervision for any allergy, disease, taking prescription medications or you are breastfeeding contact your medical provider before adding any new supplements to your daily regimen.
Q: I bought Reboot excel kit, I finished my reboot today, do i continue to take the Signal OS Capsules once a day? –Kay McLean
A: Hi Kay, yes you can continue that once a day and drinking the ketones as well. I’ll email you the Reboot Post Optimization guide. Thanks! Rachel
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Q: I am diabetic type one and it would be difficult for me to fast for 60 minutes. Is this for me? I have a big belly and am on a strict diet. –Loretta
A: Loretta, you’d want to check with your Dr. before fasting for sure. Just adding a daily drink of ketones is probably a better option for you and is safe for most to try. You can still get really great results just drinking the ketones daily, you don’t have to do the 60 hour reboot. By drinking a serving of Keto Max, you’ll be elevating your ketone levels to a state of ketosis in under an hour. If you’re unsure about anything, best to check with your Dr. Are you on a keto diet? Thanks! Rachel
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Q: Do you need to be on a Keto diet and in Ketosis for the drinks top be effective? –chloe
A: Hi Chloe, absolutely not. In fact I don’t even recommend keto diet for most people. Any healthy eating plan will work, and the ketones help bring compliance because you’re going to feel a lot better with less appetite. Lowering your carbs is best for weight loss, but you don’t have to make fats your main goal (fat is 75% on a strict keto diet). Adding healthy fats is good with any diet (olive oil, avocado’s, MCT, fish oil, salmon, nuts etc) but just in moderation is fine, and I’ve found much better over the long haul. Because the only diet that works, is the one you will follow. Strict ketogenic is much too extreme for most people and unnecessary. And many overeat calories on a keto diet and wonder why they gain. Fat calories add up quick… weight loss is still a matter of calories in/calories out. Create an energy deficit easily by drinking ketones, and the rest will follow. Good luck! Rachel
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Q: Hello Do you have any keto excel kits available? –Vanessa
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