Diary of an Ashtangi – Ashtanga Yoga Blog: Ashtanga Yoga Ubud

So happy to be back on my mat. After 6 months in Europe I kind of lost my practice.

The practice in Greece was great with Kristina Karitinou but since September I had problems going back on the mat.

I realised that my body was meant to practice under tropical weather. Whatever we said, practicing Ashtanga Yoga with a humid and hot weather is definitely the best thing to do. 

The body response is completely different, the sweat is there and muscles are very happy.

Of course I am back to practice under the guidance of Iain Grysak. I have to admit yesterday when I joined the led class I was slightly ashamed as my body has changed since last time I was there.

I gained 4 kilos, all on my hips, therefore I can not bind anymore in Supta Kurmasana. Yes size makes the difference.

When hips are wider is it way more difficult to bind, that is so obvious.

Outside of it, I found more and more important to commit to the practice with one teacher and only one.

Lately I have been practicing with different teachers, with all respect to them, they did not have that much of knowledge or maybe it was not suitable for me.

In France there is not a lot of good teachers, to my personal opinion. And the practice is so different, atmosphere is different as well.

I have received an awful adjustment from a teacher, which wake up my sit bone pain. It was so bad that I could not practice anything for at least 3 weeks.

When you start practicing with one teacher, and you talked to him, then he will understand what are your possibilities and will notice good days from bad days.

We can not have the same practice daily, some days are harder than others, and that is the problem I encountered while in Europe. 

The teacher wanted my left leg fully lengthen while I could not, then he did not understand that usually I do, but not this time. So he came and force me to use the full capacity of my left leg, which was already in pain. I did not stay quiet, I talked to him but it seems that he did not get my point.

For instance, I know that I won’t have that problem with Iain. 

So as they say “One teacher, one student”. At the beginning I did not like the idea and the more I am practicing the more I understand that point.

Have a good practice!


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