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From our expert coach

Taking Our Yoga Off the Mat by Danielle Hines — IYASE Iyengar Yoga Association Southeast

I received a quote from a friend that went like this:“Watch how your mind judges. Judgment comes, in part, out of your own...

BKS Iyengar UK: The Importance of a Yoga Centre in London

Below are extracts from a speech given by BKS Iyengar in 1984 at the opening of what was then called the Iyengar Yoga Institute...

The Transformative Benefits of Yoga for Seniors — Iyengar Yoga Source

As we gracefully navigate the golden years, prioritizing our well-being becomes increasingly essential. One practice that stands out as a gentle yet...

Backbends for Every Body Workshop with Luci Yamamoto

Summer is just around the corner. Days have grown long and bright. Things are looking up. Shake off any last winter creakiness with invigorating...

The Bhagavad Gita – An Introduction

“Reading the Gita, we come to better understand life as an inner battle, a struggle for the mind, heart, body, and spirit. And, make...

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