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From our expert coach

David Solie’s Painting Chosen For CURE 2022 Calendar

I am pleased to announce that I was one of 12 artists chosen to have their artwork displayed...

Individual vs. Group Disability Insurance

Group Disability Insurance Here’s a closer look at group disability insurance, including what it is, its benefits, and its drawbacks. What Is a Group Disability Insurance...

Awakening the Consciousness – The Yoga Place

On March 15th , Chris Saudek presented a yoga class as a benefit to members of IYNAUS (IyengarYoga Association of the United States). It...

This Fall: Intensive Yoga Studies – The Path to Teaching

Recent informal talks by Prashant Iyengar on teaching philosophy have led me to re-think the Teacher Study Program I proposed for Alcove Yoga this...

Forwardbends during pregnancy –

Supta Padangusthasana IIArdha UttanasanaParsvottanasana – concave back, hands at the wall or another supportPrasarita Padottanasana – concave backPrasarita Padottanasana – with head supported on...

Success stories:

"The Personal Trainer program made getting in the best shape of my life really fun. The recipes are tasty and easy to cook!"

Mariana Lima


"Thomas has completely outdone himself with this course. Efficient workouts, delicious recipes and support!"

Jon Pata
