“Novel Pursuits” with April Cole

April Cole's journey is a testament to resilience, inspiration, and self-discovery,...

Mindfully Becoming an Elder – ChangingAging

Many people dislike the name, elder. I never had a reaction...

the impact of charity shops

New seasons Rachel’s introduction to the charity shop was spurred on by...

A Closer Look at the AARP Tech Trends Report

Each of several recent years, AARP has surveyed older adults about...

4 Brain-Slowing Medications to Avoid if Worried About Memory

A few years ago, while I was at a family celebration,...


How to Address Eating Challenges in Dementia Care –

Dementia is a condition that progressively impacts...

Thrilled to join Brene Brown’s “Daring Interview” series

Love the tag line: “on aging against the machine,...

So THAT’S Why Caregivers Feel So Desperate!

 Last week, I had a fascinating chat with the...

All Together Now! The Power of Teamwork in Caregiving

I actually published this post a few months ago...