“Some people might also find that they’ve lost a bit of strength because of their health condition. For example, Tania, who features in one of the workout videos, has just come through treatment for cancer. She’s been in hospital for a while, which has meant she hasn’t been able to use her muscles as much, but she said that this workout has been a great way for her to get back into being more active.

“The other thing is that with so many long-term health conditions, whether it’s Parkinson’s or arthritis, you have good days and bad days. Days where you feel like you want to do something and days where you don’t.
“What’s key with this campaign is that the exercises are primarily tailored to people who are finding it difficult to engage in any activity, but the workout’s something we can all benefit from. It’s a very achievable, sustainable set of exercises – and there’s no need to feel like you can’t get involved, because you can get involved from your own sofa! And let’s be honest, for the vast majority of us, the sofa is our happy place. But it’s also a bit of fitness apparatus! Who knew?”