Backbends for Every Body Workshop with Luci Yamamoto

Summer is just around the corner. Days have grown long and bright. Things are looking up. Shake off any last winter creakiness with invigorating backbends.
You probably had an automatic reaction to the word “backbends,” which seem to prompt strong like or dislike. Preferences aside, backbends can be done safely and effectively by all. At this workshop, we’ll ease into spinal extension by releasing typical trouble spots: tight hip flexors, quadriceps, shoulders, and upper back.
We’ll do a combination of active and passive poses, working toward Urdhva Dhanurasana. Expect a vigorous practice, with a restorative ending. Modified and alternative poses will be given.
2-4pm, June 22, 2024, $36
This workshop is part of my “Monthly Iyengar Yoga Tune-Up” series at Kitsilano Community Centre. Participants should have approximately one year of yoga experience and no major injuries. Props are available but, if possible, please bring your own mat, strap, blanket(s), and any particular items that you might need.
Register here with Kitsilano Community Centre.

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