No woo-woo, just good science, good Yoga & good common-sense 🎀

Hope you are well. I came across this article just last week.I missed it when it was first published but it somehow came up for me last week as I was reading the Sunday Times online – good ole algorithms nudging us ever onwards eh.The writer of the piece, Rosamund Dean, has recently gone through cancer diagnosis & treatment herself. I mentioned this piece briefly today in the weekly online class I teach for ARC Cancer Support Centre (please contact ARC directly if you’d like to attend this virtual class – Wednesdays at 9:30am via Zoom). Read the piece below & please feel free to share. You or someone you love may find it helpful and/or encouraging. Sadly, we nearly all know someone affected by cancer & whatever we can do to help ourselves & each other is worth doing & worth sharing.✨ “start where you are – use what you have – do what you can” ✨From the Health section of the Times UK.

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