Complimentary Copies Of Two Essential Handouts For Caregivers And Their Families




If you are caring for an older adult, these two handouts may prove invaluable in helping you manage the stress of the caregiver role and the unavoidable wounds both generations incur in the process. You can order pdf copies of both handouts below

The Four-Knows Strategy Handout

This strategy was created for caregivers but it is applicable
to situations
 that exceed your capacity, what you control,
imposes unrealistic expectations,and violates your personal boundaries.
(Think Jobs, Relationships, and Parenting)


The Wounded Heart Handout



The wounds of caregiving can send us into an emotional tailspin
that keeps isolated and feeling hopeless.  This handout reminds all of
us that we suffered similar wounds in the past and reinforcements
played an important role in transforming the experience.They will
come to our aid again.