Diary of an Ashtangi – Ashtanga Yoga Blog: Ashtanga yoga loosing the practice

Is it possible to loose the practice, completely?My body is different.I don’t recognise it.How can it have changed so much is such a short time?It takes so much time and commitment to build a practice, but as soon as you stop the daily practice, it is finished… how is it possible???Here is my Marichyasana D from April 2018 :

At that time I was able to twist and to grab the wrist.Then from September to October I kind of stop the practice on a daily basis. Honestly speaking I did practice maybe 6 times on the last 2 months, other than that I was practicing my own flow, doing whatever felt good for me.Now that I am coming back to my daily Mysore practice, I have lost Marichyasana D on the right side….. the left side was difficult to twist thought…… AND of the top of it, I have lost Supta Kurmasana….Not to mention that Janu Shirshasana C on the left side is not possible anymore.Hopefully my body will react on a positive way, at one point I can not regress more in my practice, or can I?Will see tomorrow morning…..Namaste,

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