2022 at Alcove Yoga – Alcove Yoga

As we get into the thick of this year’s holiday season, I want to thank all of you for choosing Alcove Yoga as your place to take yoga classes. 
This year we added three new initiatives: the Men’s Essentials Class, the Intensive Yoga Studies Program, and the Rewards Program.
The Men’s Class wasn’t really new– but it was new to me, because Leah Hogarth, a student of Iyengar Yoga and certified teacher (CIYT) had always taught this class.  Sadly Leah moved to Virginia. We miss you, Leah!  
The good news is that after offering a couple of 10-week sessions, I got the hang of it and now it’s on the schedule as a regular class. Men tend to have greater upper body strength, but shorter hamstrings. They are more likely to need encouragement trained to let go of competition and be self-compassionate. It starts out as a very physical practice, but over time they, like everyone, realize the self-reflection that the practice of asana engenders. The time flies and we all seem to have a good time.

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